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Arezzo, don’t stop now. Troise and Gigli challenge their past. Ogunseye aims at Rimini to fly #finsubito richiedi mutuo fino 100%

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Aste immobili
bed & breakfast

by Andrea Lorentini


Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

“The victory in Sassari has given us further awareness. I saw it in the eyes of the boys during the week. They know well that if we want to play a certain type of championship, the game against Rimini is one to win. We are playing at home and we must take advantage of the opportunity. Regardless of the absences, we must be able to adapt and change our skin”. Emanuele Troise expressed himself with his usual firmness on the eve of the game against the team of his most recent past. The Neapolitan coach, who until a few months ago was sitting on the other bench, did not reveal any particular emotions. “Personally, it was a standard week. I will gladly see the players I coached last year, the ownership, the management. With all of them it was a journey of satisfaction, but I am still totally focused on Arezzo and on what we will have to prepare as best we can to win the game”. Troise did not reveal anything about the formation, but made it clear that Chiosa and Tavernelli are fully recovered and that Del Fabro and Settembrini could start from the beginning. “The absences of Righetti and Chierico take away important characteristics in the construction of the game, but we are a large and quality group. Everyone is useful and no one indispensable”. In the elastic 4-3-3, the starting defense in front of Trombini should be composed of Coccia and Lazzarini full-backs, with the Del Fabro-Gigli cup (ex of the challenge) in the center even if Chiosa could be the surprise.

In midfield, Renzi and Mawuli are certain, with Settembrini favored over Santoro to replace Chierico. In the trident, the offensive terminal will be Ogunseye, confident after the brace against Torres and eager to score his first goal at the municipal stadium. Behind him, the ballots are open. Pattarello and the returning Tavernelli seem to have a slight advantage over Gaddini and Guccione. On the opponent he knows very well, Troise expressed himself like this: “They are a solid team that defends as a team and is also growing in the proposition phase. The fact that they perform better away than at home worries me just the right amount”. Among the Romagnoli, who have already scalped Ascoli and Perugia away from home, the number one danger is the striker Cernigoi, who has already scored 4 times this season, who will pair up with the Arezzo native and another former player, Parigi.

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Finanziamo strutture per affitti brevi

Gestiamo strutture per affitto breve

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